
BUMP the blue ball into the red target

Version: 1.0 Platform: Android & ios Made by: KochiGamerZ Genre: Arcade - Endless survival

Game Objects


The player ball to shoot


The Target Hole to aim for


The tool used to redirect the ball. Follows the player's touch location.

Regular Barriers

The ordinary barriers. Sometimes they spin in place. The ball will buzz around causing chaos.

Sticky Barriers

These purple barriers are sticky. Hit them and the ball will not bounce, but it can slide.


Go near the event horizon and the black hole's pull will suck the ball in and destroy it. You will lose a life.


Enter this zone and get shot out at great speeds

Viscous Box

The ball will face great resistance when passing through this highly viscous space


1. Swipe on the blue ball to shoot it in the direction of the red target.

2. In order to redirect the ball, bump it with your white bumper.

Touch the screen to activate the bumper.

Move your finger on the screen and the bumper will follow.

3. Hit the walls for points. Each hit is +20 points.

Each wall changes color to indicate the number of hits:

from (0 hits) Teal > (1) Yellow > (2) Orange > (3) Red > (4) the wall breaks.

Breaking a wall = the 4th hit = +40 points.

If the ball leaves the screen/game-board after breaking a wall, you lose a life.

4. Grab a life token as often as possible. You may need them.

Nevertheless, you will be offered a free life token every 5 shots you make.

5. There will be many barriers in your way.

The number of barriers increase as you complete rounds, but they are always randomly generated each shot.

You get points for each shot you make into the target, depending on the number of barriers in that round.

6. The barrier number also affects the amount of time you have to make the shot.

When the time runs out, you lose a life.

Hit the timer to stun it for 1 second.



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